Utilizing a personalized approach to create the right program for you or your group, here are the offerings for increasing health, wellness, centering, and a vibrant life; reducing stress; developing mindfulness, awareness, and focus; beginning or extending deeper Self-discovery; and facilitating spiritual growth:

 Classical & Gentle Hatha Yoga
 Meditation Techniques: CM & Trataka
 Gentle (but comprehensive) Head-to-Toe Yogic Exercises
 Full Spectrum Wellness Program
 Private Lessons Available For Individuals & Groups
 Online Instruction & Support
Life Coach Support For Professionals
 Large Group Mat Camps

The Full Spectrum Wellness ProgramThe Full Spectrum Wellness Program, developed and taught by Luis Gabriel Aguilera, is a culled and eclectic holistic Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit program - simple yet sophisticated.

The individual is a world unto themselves and requires comprehensive approaches for complete and lasting wellness. The developer understands that there exists a number of refined holistic techniques and practices that can compliment and enhance one another.

Throughout the program, instruction is highly personalized and developmental-stage appropriate. The program is also self-sustainable, providing tools, resources, programming, recommendations, and guidance so that one can continue a practice unattended over time.


The holistic techniques and practices employed in the Full Spectrum Wellness Program are not new. These are techniques and practices (some ancient) that have been selected for their lasting effectiveness and compatibility. Centered around classical Hatha Yoga, the program also draws from Aikido, Zazen, and other techniques and practices, blending them in a way to provide an effective scaffolding program for the total person.


The program helps move the individual along a road of physical calibration, optimization, and increased body/mind/heart wellness and awareness. This leads to increased emotional and mental health, increased centering and mindfulness, and the raising of consciousness, opening a door to more sublime spiritual development.

(Check the About section to find out what the developer/instructor brings to the table to facilitate this progression.)

Short-term and long-term benefits result from the program over time. As with many such disciplines, the commitment to practice, practice, practice is key - with adjustments along the way, of course.


Yoga, as outlined by the authoritative text "Patanjali's Yoga Sutras," requires a variety of prescriptions for optimal results and holistic progress to occur, each prescription helping advance the practitioner. Generally speaking, these prescriptions include recognizable physical postures (i..e., asanas), regulated breathing exercises (pranayama), preliminary meditative techniques, meditation practices, and either quality lectures or readings on yogic viewpoints.

For intellectual digestion, the Full Spectrum Wellness Program may also include carefully guided study of staple spiritual texts, recommended articles, internet sites to search, and lectures to watch to complement, enhance, aide, deepen, and enlighten one's practice on and off the mat.

The Full Spectrum Wellness Program takes into account that a glass ceiling or lopsidedness may be reached by a physical practitioner who over the years simply follows one prescription of the many that are prescribed in the genuine ancient path of Yoga.


In the past and currently, students have worked (and work) on the Body, Mind, Heart, and their respective spiritual paths concurrently with Luis, but this not need be the case.

The Full Spectrum Wellness Program is a non-religious and non-indoctrination program. The program takes into account and respects that physical health and wellness may be the only goal in mind. Thus, the program can be dedicated to the physical level, one of yogic poses, gentle and energizing physical activities and stop right there. And this is literally where Patanjali lets us know to begin.

One can advance deeper with the program. The program can work at introductory, intermediate, or advanced levels (filling in gaps or refining established practices). The program is flexible. How about that? And the personalized approach continuously addresses a major question: What does the individual currently need?

Regardless of the type and level of instruction, all be vastly positive in outcome.


Students in the past have worked with the instructor online, meeting in one-hour consulting sessions with tremendous results to date. But sessions can be had in offline environments, on a private house call, for a work retreat, for a fun yoga party, in a Saturday morning community center, or for a Sunday wellness program as featured in our Work gallery. The program does ask for a quiet space though, with cell phones put away, and any/all distractions left at the door, so that the program can tend to the individual, even if there are hundreds around one, adequately.

Ultimately, the creator, laborer, and driver of the good work is the practitioner. In good faith, the Full Spectrum Wellness Program simply lays out the tools and resources for the individual to advance so that better choices to do what's best for oneself are there for the individual.

Visit the Contact page to begin this process of step-by-step transformation.